
Socialising your new Puppy – Clarewood Labradoodles.

Many new puppy owners do not really understand what socialisation means, and often miss vital steps in their pups journey. A puppy’s peak learning time for socialisation is between 3-14 weeks, so how do you juggle a pup that has not had all it’s vaccinations yet, with giving him or her a well rounded education? […]

Labradoodle Puppy running in grass

Are You Ready for a Puppy? Important things to consider before making a decision.

As a dog lover and breeder, I know how tempting it can be to bring a new puppy home. However, before making that decision, it’s important to consider whether you’re ready for the responsibilities that come with owning a puppy. Today, I’ll provide tips to help you make an informed decision on whether a puppy is right for you.